Driving instructions

Lundbygaard Estate is situated in southern Zealand. On a detailed map you will find Lundbygaard located between the towns of Næstved, Præstø and Vordingborg.

  • Join motorway E47 between Copenhagen and the port of Rødby
  • Leave motorway at exit 39, signposted “Bårse”
  • Take local road “265 Præstø Landevej” towards “Næstved”
  • After 500 meters turn left (west) on very small road, “Risbyvej”
  • Take first asphalt road left (south) after 2 kilometres, named “Lundbygårdsvej”.
  • 400 meters further on you will see the white buildings of Lundbygaard.

Click here for Google directions.For Google kørselsanvisning tryk her.