Forskellige lande har forskellige skikke vedrørende deres brug af juletræer. Her er det for eksempel en sending franske træer, de er alle såkaldt spidsede, så de passer i deres traditionelle juletræsfod: Et stykke træstamme med hul i


All Christmas trees from Collet are looked after and cared for with the greatest respect for the environment. We use a unique GPS-connected controlled planting machine for Christmas trees that optimize land use. This marks the start of a meticulous eight- to nine-year production process.

The combination of the best seed material, specialised nurseries and a mild climate with long cool summers, and a highly committed staff gives the Christmas trees an ideal, natural-development environment.

The trees are selected and labelled under the supervision of specialists with many years of experience in selecting Christmas trees. Trees are felled as late as possible to make sure they are completely fresh before starting their long journey to the European markets. Only in this way can we guarantee a perfect Collet Christmas tree.