Mariehøne har bredt vingerne ud i toppen af et juletræ og er klar til at flyve til næste træ på jagt efter lus…


Christmas tree production is far less harmful to the environment than the production of ordinary agricultural crops. The soil is neither ploughed nor harrowed, which protects birds’ nests, leverets and young birds. Christmas tree production also tolerates more weeds, plants and flowers, for the benefit of birds, insects, owls, partridges and hares.

A minimum of nutrients and pesticides are applied to Christmas trees – and far fewer than with grain production. Christmas trees have a well-developed root system, which prevents nutrients being leached into the ground to a depth of 2 metres all year round.

Another important property of Christmas trees is that they are green all year round, which means they absorb huge quantities of CO2. In fact, one Christmas tree alone absorbs about 10 kg of CO2 in its lifetime. At COLLET this equals a reduction of 50,000 ton of CO2!