De små nye skud vokser op i såbedet - a la karse-bakke


Once the genetic material has been carefully selected, specialised seed companies harvest and process the seeds. As seeds are primarily harvested in countries subject to different labour market regulations, COLLET uses companies that are approved by Fair Trade or are making conscious efforts to improve their employees’ occupational safety and working conditions.

The cuttings and the end-plants ultimately used by COLLET for production are cultivated at nurseries selected for their extensive production experience and skills. Seedlings are transported in refrigerated trucks almost daily to the Lundbygaard Manor estate, where our custom-designed, GPS-controlled planting machines give them the best possible start.

A good start produces more beautiful and more harmonious Christmas trees. From the time the seed is harvested, it takes 12 to 13 years to produce a mature Christmas tree – quite a thought!